Tim Noble and Sue Webster work with garbage and make it become something else: art
I find these artists interesting because:
They take ordinary things, discarded objects and scraps, and transform them into recognizable images through the use of projected shadows.A bunch of garbage, projected onto the wall, turn out to be silhouettes of shadowsThey use material rejected by the modern society in combination with light - (combination between dark and light side of life?)Their transformative art challenge perceptual psychology
They use trash of the contemporary culture and make a new form of abstract art They use materials like scrap metal and cable wire, as well as less traditional media such as animal parts, cooking oil, and even urine.
"It's the realization of one of the most avidly pursued artistic goals in modern and contemporary art - the fusion of representation and abstraction." Sue Webster

Their works are made from discarded objects and later assembled into sculptures, They make "rubbish sculptures"
"I remember being frustrated whilst wiring an early work, Toxic Schizophrenia, as I had to wait for a shipment of bulbs or something, and the idea for the shadow sculptures came out of the desire to keep making. While experimenting with the assemblage of personal items and household rubbish in the studio one day, we shone a spotlight onto one of our gestating forms and were fascinated by the shadow formed on the wall. With the kind of conceptual leap that can only be achieved through the trial and error of studio practice, we began sculpting the mounds of rubbish so that our own silhouettes could be read in the shadows. What came from this experimentation was the team's first shadow sculpture, Miss Understood and Mr. Meanor." Sue Webster
