Strange Thing: As I was looking for information in internet about Finley Taylor, teacher of printmaking at the Camberwell College, I found out on internet his homonyms, which seems to be as well an artist and, really interesting too.
The main concern in Taylor's work is the engagement with the pervasiveness of nature. He works across different media, including photography, printmaking, sculpture, artists' books and video. Taylor's use of animals express his fascination with the natural world. What fascinates me about Taylor's work is the idea of transforming found objects in valuable object, give them a new form, a new life, extract them from their nature and transform them in something completely alien to it.
I find really interesting Taylor's series of photographs depicting butterflies on people's tongues, either feeding on saliva or resting.The images manage to fascinate and repulse the viewer with their startling depiction of an unusual proximity between the human and animal, holding our attention despite the initial shock.
Another thing I find interesting about this artist is his obsession with insects in relation to the human being; OBSESSION that guides and directs the work of art.